Cambridge, MA 02114
Twitter @yourbuddyapp
Category Digital Health Company
Born out of MIT, Buddy is a digital personal trainer for mental wellness. With a mission of empowering young people to think about and act on mental wellness in a proactive way, Buddy helps them understand how their daily behaviors impact their mental wellness and guides them through forming healthy habits.
Buyer Patient
Setting Home or Community
User Patient
Purpose Consumer EngagementWellness / Fitness
Method Mobile App
2 Park Plaza Ste 409
Category Digital Health Company
Z Imaging develops surgical navigation and robotic tools for emergency neurosurgery.
Buyer Administrator
Setting Hospital
User Provider
Purpose Care Delivery
Method Medical Device
101 Huntington Ave Ste 1300
Twitter @ZaffreInvest
Category Investor
Zaffre Investments is committed to adding value through investments in new products, services and technologies that aim to improve the way healthcare is delivered and received. As true partners, they provide strategic direction, business support, industry connections, and more to help portfolio companies be even more successful.
1 Broadway 5th Fl
Twitter @zakipointhealth
Category Digital Health Company
zakipoint Health helps customers understand their wasted healthcare costs and what to do about it. z5 is a data and service hub and an information exchange that keeps employers, employees, healthcare service providers and disease management specialists connected 24/7. It constantly monitors every data point and healthcare record to analyze and assess what's working and what's not - all to find the pain points buried in your data and provide the answers you need.
Buyer EmployerProvider
Setting HospitalLong-Term/Post-Acute Care FacilityOutpatient Facility
User EmployerPatientProvider
Purpose Billing / Reporting / Operations
Method Network
1350 Main St 5th Fl
Twitter @zatohealth
Category Digital Health Company
Zato Health licenses software to hospitals, medical schools, state governments, and pharmaceutical companies.The Zato Health Interoperability Platform software enables flexible, accurate analysis of clinical data that are stored within one or more EHR systems. The software is also used for parallel analysis across clinical and genomic data and across clinical and claims data, as well as analysis of Medicaid eligibility data. The software is differentiated for its comprehensive medical ontology, natural language processing, and automated coding components, which automatically hyperlink back to highlighted evidence in the source medical records. These capabilities provide unique verifiability of the quality and completeness of medical records for clinical documentation improvement (CDI) and billing. This unique data verifiability also enables licensees to meet meet newly mandated performance requirements of state, federal, and insurance payers for accurate reporting of CQMs.
Buyer Administrator
Setting HospitalLong-Term/Post-Acute Care FacilityOtherOutpatient FacilitySenior Housing or Assisted Living
User Provider
Purpose Care CoordinationCommunication
Method Network
28 State St 28th Fl
Twitter @Zillion
Category Digital Health Company
Zillion focuses on care, coaching, and health recommendations that precisely address individuals� conditions, goals, and lifestyles. Positive health outcomes can be achieved through their platform, Zillion SaaS for a company looking to bring their programs to life, or their own proprietary wellbeing programs, RestoreHealth or RestoreResilience.
Buyer EmployerPayor
Setting Home or Community
User EmployerPatientPayor
Purpose Wellness / Fitness
Method Mobile App
269 Mill Rd
Twitter @MedicalZoll
Category Digital Health Company
ZOLL Medical Corporation, a leader in medical products and software solutions, helps responders manage, treat, and save lives in emergency rescues and in hospitals; outside the hospital while at work or home; in doctors' and dentists' offices and schools; in public places and on the battlefield.
Buyer AdministratorCaregiverPatientPayorProvider
Setting Home or CommunityHospitalLong-Term/Post-Acute Care FacilityOtherOutpatient FacilitySenior Housing or Assisted Living
User CaregiverPatientProvider
Purpose Care DeliveryCommunicationDiagnostics
Method Medical DeviceNetwork