MassTech, on behalf of MeHI, has issued this Request for Proposals for the eHealth eQuality Incentive Program Grant Solicitation (RFP No. 2015-MEHI-03). The RFP solicits responses from eligible Long-Term and Post-Acute Care provider organizations in Massachusetts. Applicants will be required to meet program milestones that demonstrate increasingly sophisticated use of Health IT to improve the quality and efficiency of health care and to contain costs. MeHI will award participants with up to four incentive payments over a two-year period as awardees achieve successive milestones. The eQIP program is a funding initiative within the scope of the eHealth eQuality program.
Important Update
- The application deadline has been extended by two weeks. The new deadline is April 16th, 2015.
- Eligibility Criteria #2 has been amended. View Amendment Document
- If your organization qualifies under the revised criteria; use new attachments A-1 and A-3 in the amendment.
(All other applicants must use the attachments found in the original solicitation document)
Grant Solicitation
FAQs - posted 3/10/15
FAQs - posted 3/20/15
FAQs - posted 3/27/15
FAQs - posted 4/2/15
FAQs - posted 4/14/15
Submit questions to
Informational Webinar Sessions
Thursday, February 19th 12pm
Thursday, February 26th 3pm
Application Development Orientation
Thursday, March 12th 12pm
To the extent anything stated/presented in the webinars are inconsistent with the RFP documents, the RFP documents shall govern.

*Requested for MeHI's planning purposes only.